To nourish our Yuka, we do not have to buy special preparations in the garden. All you have to do is reach for the fridge for a product. Thanks to it, our plant will regain its vigor and start developing better. In addition, its leaves will become lush green and firm. We suggest how to care for Yuka and make it fertilize.
It must be properly nurtured so that she can enjoy us with her charm. The basis for cultivation is to ensure its appropriate position. The plant will be best developed on a light place with a distributed light. However, be careful not to expose her to direct sunlight that could burn the leaves.
Watering of yucca should be moderate and regular. Just do it once a week or once every 10 days, Depending on the temperature and humidity in the room. Let’s also pay attention to whether there is water in the stand, because it could lead to rotting roots.
Juka should also be placed in permeable soil. It grows best in a mixture for potted plants with the addition of perlite or sand. Let’s also remember about the preparation of the drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.
However, if we notice that our juka in winter stops growing and its leaves lose their color, it should be a signal for us that the plant lacks nutrients. Then it is worth strengthening the plant using a product that we always have in the fridge anyway. So it is practically devoid of costs, an easy method of nutrition of yucca.
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To improve the condition of yucca, it is worth using simply milk, which we usually have at home anyway. This is a simple way that It will provide the plant with nutrients and also improve the condition of the soil in the pot.
This is due to the rich composition of milk, which includes Calcium, supporting the growth and development of roots, preventing them from rotting, as well as strengthening the plant structure. What’s more, its soil deficiency could cause wilting and drying of the leaves, so it will have a positive effect on the ground and the general condition of the yucca.
In addition, the milk also contains proteins and sugars, which are a great source of energy for microorganisms in the ground that improve the absorption of nutrients by the plant. In addition, natural probiotics are also contained in milk, which support the development of useful bacteria in the soil, improving its structure and counteracting the development of pathogens.
Preparation from milk is extremely simple. All you have to do is add two tablespoons of milk to a glass of water. Remember, however, to use a pasteurized product, avoiding the use of taste milk.
Then with the help of a prepared mixture We water the yka in the morning or in the evening, when the soil in the pot is already slightly dry. However, be careful not to flood the leaves of the plant, so that mold does not form on them. This treatment should be repeated every two weeks.
The first effects will be noticeable after a few weeks. The leaves will be healthier, shiny and firm, thanks to which the whole plant will look better. In addition, the use of milk will strengthen the yucca root system, thanks to which it will grow faster.