The ferry sent by the Department of Roads, Waterway and Airport Infrastructure (Deracre) arrived on Sunday (24) to the Caeté River to cross vehicle crossing from side to side.
The ferry is already on site/Photo: Ascom
The equipment will support the Balsa of the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT), which is already on site.
The measure was adopted after the bridge over the river, held last Friday (24), due to damage to the pillars of the structure.
The ferry was transported by BR-364/Photo: Ascom
The operation was displaced by the Paulistas Ramal vessel, in Porto Acre, to Sena Madureira. With the support of Detran and the Federal Highway Police (PRF), a task force was organized to enable transportation, which included special authorizations, logistics and technical adjustments, as well as ensuring safety in the path and location site.
In addition to the ferry, chemical toilets and tents were made available on site, ensuring more comfort to users while waiting for the crossing.