Internal controversy because of illustration on the facade of the Portuguese Institute of Sea and the atmosphere (IPMA). “There are a lot of missing things in this building, it seems incomprehensible to have spent such a large amount on a decoration.”
The Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) is at the center of a controversy among its workers after spending almost 21 thousand euros In an illustration of a giant tuna to the facade of its building in Algés.
The play, by the scientific illustrator Pedro Salgadowas installed as part of the institution’s 13th anniversary celebrations. But the decision is generating harsh internal criticism due to the high cost, which could be applied to necessary works in the institute building.
IPMA employees question significant expenditure on a “decoration”, and point out that the building urgently needs functional repairs and improvements.
“There are a lot of missing things in this building, offices and laboratories. The façade itself is visibly degraded, needing arrangements and painting. It seems incomprehensible to me, given this reality that it has been spent such a large value on a simple decoration, ”he says to an IPMA worker.
“There are many things to correct, many evident issues, such as conditioned air, which are damaged or damaged, which makes workers cold or heat in their offices; Or the equipment update, always being postponed, which undermines the safety of those who work in the laboratories. It is a building that needs an intervention ”, denounces the newspaper source.
In addition, the building’s facade is degraded and would need structural intervention.
The decision of the purchase was made by the Board of Directors led by biologist José Guerreiro, who assumed the presidency in June 2023.
The illustration, installed on the northern facade of the building, parallel to the train line, measures 11.6 meters long and 2.4 meters high. Produced in gray stone slabs, the piece is designed to be visible at least 20 meters away. The total cost of 20 971.50 euros was awarded by direct adjustment, but is not yet on the base portal.