Express: Reaction of the Minister of Health to an open letter of healthcare professionals
Dear health care workers, at the beginning I dare Thank you to every single doctor, nurse, rescuer, sanitary, but also to all other professions who work in the Slovak health system. Your professions are not just a work but a real mission. You help in the most difficult moments when the most valuable thing we have – our health and lives. Your place in the company is irreplaceable, What I communicate as a Minister of Health on every occasion.
Therefore, from arrival I do everything to the resort to make our health care progress, Patients received quality care and our medical facilities provided doctors and other healthcare professionals as the best possible work conditions. The basis for me is always a professional view based on scientific facts and knowledge. This is true whether I deal with medical, economic, management or any other area.
As the Minister of Health I would like to say that The anchoring of our country within the EU and NATO is strong. I can also assure you that None of my statements never questioned the membership of the Slovak Republic in the WHO. I clearly support the scientific foundations of public health to serve as the basis for the management and improvement of the health of the population and to be the basic measure in the management of future threats.
Binding for my management of the resort is the Program Declaration of the Government of the Slovak Republicwhich clearly says that available and quality care of citizens’ health and lives will only be functional if It will be built on solid foundations and constructive dialogue with all relevant healthcare partners, Especially among the patient and the healthcare professional. As a Minister of Health, I stand behind this.
I firmly believe that our common intention is not only to improve the state of our health, but also to calm the situation. I’m sorry to deepen the polarization in our society and it is the task of all of us, Including politicians, whether coalition or opposition, their performances alleviate tension and uncertainty. However, we will only make a change together. Likewise, better functioning of health care should be our common goal. Personally, I see the basis in dialogue, mutual respect and willingness to hear the opposite view, which I am promoting from the first day in office.
I appreciate your interest in the direction of our country and the functioning of public affairs. Personally, I am ready for a factual and professional discussion at any time. Surely we agree that the most important thing is to communicate and work in a calm and constructive atmosphere.