A woman named Claire Boulton found a shocking message exactly on the day of her wedding. It turned out that suffers from bowel cancer, although according to doctors to be too “fat” to get it. , despite the fact that her life has changed from the ground up, she is trying to enjoy marriage with her partner.
Long -term health problems
47-year-old Claire regularly visited doctors due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), noting that she complained about her serious health problems 5 years before diagnosis. She told her In 2009 they diagnosed fibromyalgia, chronic disease spreading pain all over the body, and seven years later lost mobility.
Due to changing lifestyle she gained four kilograms but doctors told her it was nothing serious. “My intestinal habits were getting worse. The stool was liquid, I found blood in it. I searched for help, but they told me it was okay. If I was something, I would start to lose weight and not gain weight. At one point me even They said I am too fat for cancer“she noted.
They diagnosed her cancer
However, a few hours before her wedding in 2019 came a shock. When Claire was in a hairdresser with her current husband Matthew, She was called by doctors who noted that they found cancer in the polype removed from her rectum. “I was shocked. All this time I have been She said something is wrong”said a woman from Thornbury, England.
Mother of two children She had to wait six weeks after the diagnosis for the test results to reveal whether the cancer had spread. At that time, she and her husband flew to the second wedding to the Greek island of Corfu. “I didn’t have to undergo any chemotherapy or anything else because they removed it. If they didn’t find cancer, could be extended quite quickly. That was the only happiness, “she explained.
The disease has returned over time
Claire in October 2020 She underwent gastric sleeve surgery to reduce the likelihood of cancer followed by complete hysterectomy (uterine removal). Although these interventions helped her for some time, in April 2022 she began to feel bad again. Therefore She asked her doctor to secure her colonoscopy that immediately revealed another tumor on the large intestine.
A few months later had a Claire resection in which she removed most of her intestine. Because of this, her doctors had to make an emergency to deploy a hundred. “It’s hard to live with a stoma. But I’m still alive. That’s the thing you have undergo a serious operation that should reduce the risk of further cancer spread.
Claire She added that after a serious diagnosis she was even closer to her husband. “It is simply amazing and is my support. Nothing will bother him. I don’t know how many people would do it,” she said, calling on people to listened to their body and not afraid to visit experts if they notice something unusual. “And You suspect something is wrong, let yourself be examined before it’s too late“she noted.