The Slovak Prime Minister, Robert I amhas created controversy by declaring that “Ukraine will never be in NATO”. At least, he asks to delay this measure, since making a hurried decision in this regard would represent a “Severe risk to security” and could trigger a Third World War.
He also assured that the country led by Volodimir Zelenski will face “huge problems” to enter the European Unionalthough he has reciputed that Bratislava “supports” the incorporation to Europe.
The Slovak Government, under its leadership, has frozen military aid to Ucania And he has adopted a Critical posture towards Western policies In the conflict, advocating instead for a high fire and peace negotiations: “Our vital space is the EU and NATO, but we have the right to be critical.”
Fico has held Zelenski responsible, for prolonging the conflict by rejecting a high fire: “No Russian has bent. Ukraine has been bent alone, succumbing to the pressure of the West. It will end up losing a third of its territory and will continue to be occupied by foreign troops, “he said.
In addition, He has accused Western countries of sabotage a peace agreement reached in Istanbul in April 2022arguing that they persuaded Ukraine not to sign it to use war as an opportunity to weaken Russia.
“The war began in February 2022. In April, a peace agreement was put on the table that both the Ukrainian and the Russian part were willing to sign. However, Western diplomats and politicians came and said: ‘Ukrainians should not sign it, because this war is a great opportunity to put the Russians on their knees”“He recalled.