It has happened to almost everyone. White mold suddenly appears on the substrate, which spreads relatively quickly. But the help is quite simple.
White mold on the surface of the substrate can appear before we even notice it. It is actually a fungus that usually signals problems with excessive moisture in the substrate, or possibly also in the surrounding environment.
Its spread through the air can also be a problem, to which some people may be more susceptible, so the emergence of health problems is not excluded. Therefore, as soon as we see such a white coating, it will be necessary to intervene as quickly as possible.
Twist the mold with the advice in the youtube video by ehowgarden:
Source: Youtube
Is it really mold?
Before we get down to work, it’s a good idea to check if it’s a false alarm. Mineral substances such as lime can also be deposited on the surface of the substrate during water evaporation.
They are not dangerous and if we don’t mind the white color, we can leave them in place, or just remove them with a spoon, for example. How do we recognize them from mold? Very simply. While the mold will be moist on the surface, seemingly velvety and we will smell a slight odor when we smell it closely, the minerals will form a harder crust.
Onion to attack!
If there really is mold in the pot, after removing the top layer of soil, we can move on to the attack with the help of ordinary onions. This is because it has excellent anti-myctobial effects and also acts as a determined fighter against fungi.
It is especially the substance allicin, which engages in the fight with them with unusual commitment. Using onions in this case will not be difficult. For one flowerpot, we use approximately half of a medium-sized onion, which we cut into smaller pieces. Then we just put it in the flowerpot just below the surface of the soil, being careful not to touch the roots of the plants.
Adjust plant mode
After a few days, we should notice a change for the better. Removed mold does not return, the plant visibly revives and everything is fine. So it’s time to remove the onion and get back to normal. But to be sure, think about how much water the plant received before and limit watering to a level that will be enough for the room, but will not unnecessarily support the development of mold.
Try other methods as well
Although onions are a very reliable helper, we can also use other methods to fight mold. Cinnamon sprinkling the surface of the substrate works very well, as well as crushed activated carbon or spraying with a solution of baking soda.
The mentioned possibilities will rid the substrate of the present fungi and ensure peace for a longer period of time. Nevertheless, in any case, consider the seriousness of the contamination of the substrate and the possible transplanting of the plant to a new, healthy environment.
Prevention is important
A very important point in the prevention of such a problem is, on the one hand, the purchase of the right material for planting plants. Unfortunately, in this case, there is often a direct correlation between the price of the substrate and its quality, i.e. purity. Therefore, let’s invest a few tens of crowns more and with a high probability we will avoid future treatment of plants and an unhealthy environment in the apartment.
Drainage into a flower pot
Another option is to use drainage in the lower part of the flower pot, which will ensure faster drainage of water and easier drying of the soil. We can also sprinkle a fine layer of sand on the surface of the flower pot, which will provide peace to the flowers and to us growers. Which method will you try? Or does such a problem not concern you at all? Then there is nothing to do but congratulations!