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We are good to smell – the best, even – but we prefer to see, listen, play, eat, drink. Our nose needs more attention, and there are ways to stimulate it.
2000 years ago, Aristotle put her nose where she was not called: in biology. “Our sense of smell is not exact, but it is worse than many animals. Because the man smells bad“.
We tend to consider that the animals are the most evolved, and we leave this task to them. But this story smelled badly to a team of scientists who, there is a decade, that humans can often detect odor molecules in a weaker concentration than nonhuman animals.
We are actually better to smell than bats, monkeys, pigs, rats and otters, just being behind dogs and few other species, tells.
Now an inquiry in the United Kingdom has proven that smell is considered the least important of the senses. In fact, half of the participants guaranteed that They preferred to lose smell than the mobile phone.
At the height of the pandemic, many have lost their smell, temporarily or forever. According to New Scientist, the loss of this contested sense let people feel, emotionally and sexually of their partners, with a disturbance of and lack of pleasure in eating and drinking.
It seems just then, when we lose him, we remember him. Today, they are already projecting to help rebuild olfactory cells. And smelling is more important to us than we think.
According to a recent published in The Journal of Neuroscienceour brain is able to do smell forecasts And when the smell we feel does not correspond to what the brain projected to us, there are several reactions of the brain that react to realize what the problem is.
And these predictions are also built through other senses, such as touch, vision or hearing. For example, the vision of a bright yellow helps identify the citrus aroma of a lemonade.
The smell is therefore very useful to protect ourselves from dangers. This sense was developed in natural environments when man needed to find food sources in nature.
If you are smelling bad (not the reader, but your nose), a tip is to spend more time outdoors, or learn about wines and cooking, activities that stimulate our smell. Smelling is good – even if it’s better. Why do we then ignore our “last” meaning?