The year 2025 brought good news to many Portuguese families with housing credit. Monthly benefits descended significantly, reaching reductions of almost 110 euros in contracts reviewed in January. However, February will maintain this descent trend, although with signs of ‘Black clouds on the horizon ‘, expression used by.
According to Nuno Rico, economist at Deco Proteste, the behavior of Euribor rates at the beginning of the year has some particularities. “We have a curious fact this year,” he told executive Digest in statements. “Looking at this month’s data, we have the slowdown that we had already warned in maturities, except in Euribor at 12 months, which rose slightly (0.088%) compared to the previous month. Even in Euribor for 6 months, it practically did not go down – only 0.012%”.
Reductions at different deadlines of Euribor
For a loan of 150 thousand euros to 30 years, with a 1%spread, the estimated amounts for February are as follows:
- Euribor at 12 months: The installment goes down to 675 euros, a reduction of 94 euros (12.22%) compared to the 769 euros paid in the last 12 months. The average rate registered until January 24 was 2.524%.
- Euribor at 6 months: The monthly amount will be 683 euros, less 89 euros (11.52%) compared to July, when the installment was 772 euros. The average rate for this period was 2,620%.
- Euribor at 3 months: With an average rate of 2.731%, the installment goes down to 693 euros, a decrease of 38 euros (5.19%) compared to November, when 731 euros.
Future perspectives
Nuno Rico stresses that, despite the descents, the pace of reduction seems to be slowing down. “The context changed a little, especially after the US elections. The perspective is that it will continue to go down, but not to the pace that was expected for two months, ”he explained. “There is a trend in reversal in Euribor for 12 months, which represents the big news this month. In terms of installments, there is still reductions, but less and less significant. ”
For the coming months, a stabilization of the amounts of housing credit is expected, more than a continuation of the registered falls. “This begins to raise the perspective of a stabilization trend, rather than the decrease, of values,” concluded Nuno Rico.
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