You can already improve your smell, with the help of 3 injections. The concept is simple: the insertion of blood platelets to regenerate tissues.
“The Sars-Cov-2 virus enters the nose cells, causing an inflammation that can damage neurons, the cells that detect smells,” he says Zara Patel, from Stanford University, USA, to.
When people contract COVID-19, they can therefore lose smell. In some cases, it has not been back for some time, and there are those who suffer from the loss of this direction years later.
through “Olfactory training”that is, smelling objects or foods of intense odor a few times a day. But the researcher argues that “this workout does not work for a large number of people.”
Now a new one published in International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology suggests a new treatment: collecting a person’s blood and filtering the plasma – a light yellow liquid that contains plateletsblood cells that produce regenerative proteins-and inject it into the affected area. The goal is regenerate tissues.
The team then performed in 32 people with covid-19-related smell loss, a test in half of them: a half with the new treatment, and the other half of people with saline.
A year later, people who had received the injection of platelets could smell 9 more odors (from a 40 panoply, from which all participants initially could only smell half).
“It’s very encouraging – most people have seen a benefit that would improve their quality of life,” he says Thomas Hummelresearcher at the University of Dresden, Germany.
Now broader studies should confirm the results and determine the duration of benefits, but a British clinic should start using treatment from February.