Italians add a tablespoon of water from boiling pasta to the sauce. Check why

by Andrea
Italians add a tablespoon of water from boiling pasta to the sauce. Check why

Sometimes on videos published on social media we see how the chefs add a tablespoon of pasta water to the sauce cooked parallel. It is a procedure that makes more sense than we think and it is worth imitating it. Thanks to this, we will take care of the taste and consistency of the dish. What’s more, water after cooking pasta can also be used to improve the quality of many other dishes. We suggest how to use it in the kitchen.

The water in which we cook the pasta, is quite cloudy and gently colored white. However, this is not no settlement or dirt, but only starch that is released while cooking pasta. It is not worth wasting it and pouring into the sink, because we can use it to prepare some dishes.

It will be useful, among others, for emulsifying, i.e. the mixing process of two fluidswhich would pushed each other without starch. Emulsification allows you to mix these two liquids into one mixture. Thanks to this, we can, for example, Combine water with fat without any problems without delaminating the ingredients.

Starch from water after pasta is not only a great emulsifier, but also allows you to thicken the sauce. It is great for any type of sauce, not only for tomato. We can also use it to improve the consistency of the soup. What’s more, pasta water also adds more delicacy to dishes, so we can use it instead of a traditional roux. Thanks to this, our dish will be much lighter.

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Makarone water is not only useful for sauce. We can use it in many different ways in our kitchen. It will work among others When preparing meat or steamed. We can also use it to cook groats or rice. Thanks to this, we will give them an additional taste and improve their texture with starch.

Another unusual solution is Adding pasta water to a pizza dough. This will make gluten bind even better, so our baking will be much more fluffy and extremely tasty.

Macronu water can also be used to soak leg plants such as lentils, peas or beans. This will allow them to obtain additional health qualities, and we will not waste water after cooking pasta.


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