The eldest son of Boris Kollár (59) is already 15 years old and seems to be from a completely “different way” like his father. Simon Heliodor He grew up in Florida, but as he states, he would prefer to return to Slovakia permanently, where he could change things for the better. As a biocentrist, he does not have many things in the wardrobe, his room looks like a forest and rejects unnecessary gifts.
They have different views on several topics. “In the summer they had a big debate with Boris,” His mother revealed Martina Sabbatini (45), which the young man added. “It wasn’t the debate because he didn’t listen to me. He said – we are stronger, so we can shoot bears. But when I have a knife, can I kill anyone? Just because I have the strength? So it doesn’t work, ” Simon argued. He considers the biological father to be very conservative.
Simon takes care of the environment in detail and is also careful in the forest. “I can’t kill a spider, I can’t destroy any weeds. All living organisms just want to live, everyone has the right to life. Sorry, but one is only one in a million kinds of beings, ” explained the teenager. A young man who wants to be an activist He admits that sometimes it is difficult to be a biocentrist, but according to him, it is about what is right and what to do.
He wants to spend his time meaningfully, so he stopped playing computer gameswhich stole time and did not help him in any way. It also rationally approaches gifts. “Mostly I don’t want,” said.
“He refuses new clothes because we are recycling. He wears things until they are deserved. His wardrobe is explicitly empty. Before Christmas, Simon told me that the biggest gift for him would be when I print stickers with the main motto, help him to make a website or print a banner that can hang somewhere, ”said the wife of the famous golfer Rory Sabbatini (48).
“I already have everything,” Simon, who has lived in the US for years and has only been sporadically, has been living with his numerous siblings for years. “I see some once a year,” revealed without hesitation. However, what they can have to do with the father will be entry into politics. Boris Kollar’s son has already pushed his mother into the Eurovolbie in the past, but is considering his own political party and has his priorities. But sport is not. “Slovakia should first take care of education, then sports and everything else,” Kollár’s son ended.