The minister, of the (STF), said in a monocratic decision on Monday, 27, that the government of failed to comply with measures requested by the Court to reduce the deforestation of the Amazon.
In March 2024, o. Mendonça, rapporteur of the action, considered that Lula management did not fulfill “various aspects of the decision”, persisting “serious and notorious problems in environmental management”.
Sought by Estadãothe Ministry of the Environment had not been positioned until the publication of this text.
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“Given the non -compliance of various aspects of the decision of this Supreme Federal Court by the Union and in the face of the serious and notorious problems in the environmental management verified, only partially homologates the fulfillment of the judgment,” says Mendonça on the part of the decision.
The minister has listed that metrics and mechanisms of control of the measures adopted. According to the decision, the Lula government also did not clarify how the funds intended for environmental preservation are being used by the competent bodies.
Mendonça also pointed out that specific actions are lacking to reduce the deficit of servers in offices such as the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) and the National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples (Funai).
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The minister, on the other hand, recognized advances by the federal government in environmental management, especially the elaboration of the action plan for the prevention and control of deforestation in the Legal Amazon (PPCDam) and the actions to combat mining and career restructuring of servers in the area.
As showed the Estadãothe deforestation of the Amazon was one of the themes through which the Supreme Court used a more expansive interpretation of its attributions, “legislating” more on topics that traditionally compete to the Executive and Legislative Powers. Since 2019, the Court has declared 78 “unconstitutional omissions”, surpassing the 62 decisions registered between 1990 and 2018.
Among the themes declared “omitted” by the Supreme Court are, in addition to deforestation of the Amazon, issues such as the criminalization of transphobia and homophobia, the decriminalization of possession of up to 40 grams of marijuana, the distribution of basic income during Covid pandemic -19 and the additional for urban workers under risk conditions.