Responsible for negotiating the Brazilian deportation agreement with the US in 2017, Aloysio Nunes Ferreira, at the time Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the time, he treated directly from the subject with then -Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Nunes says that while he held the position, by the end of 2018, there was no report of mistreatment by US authorities against immigrants.
“In my period, the conditions of respectful treatment and prohibit indiscriminate use of handcuffs have been fulfilled. Clearly this has not occurred now, by the reports that are emerging,” he says, currently representative of APEX (Brazilian Export Agency) in Europe.
Nunes, a chancellor in the Michel Temer government (MDB), says the agreement was precipitated by the policy of the first government to separate immigrant children from their parents when they arrived at the border, a policy that generated great negative repercussions at the time.
“There were cases involving Brazilians, so we came to this agreement to start flights to bring those immigrants who had already exhausted the possibilities of entering the US,” said Nunes.
For him, Trump’s treatment in his new term to the theme is worrying. “He puts himself against immigration in general, within his supremacist ideology,” he says.
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