It foresees launch in the second semester bulletins with marine fishing data from 1950 to 2022, which will compose the National Plan of Fish Statistics, used to help formulate policies for the sector.
“Fishing and aquaculture have a great impact on the Brazilian economy. Since its recreation, the ministry has worked for the reconstruction of the sector statistics,” says Minister André de Paula.
According to him, by the end of the semester the folder will launch the bulletin with data from the general registration of the fishing activity. For the second semester, in addition to the historical bulletins, the launch of the Marine Fishing Statistical Bulletin of 2023 and 2024 is also planned.
The ministry is also scanning all folder documents, in partnership with UnB (University of Brasilia). So far, 1,200 boxes have been scanned by 2008. Among the 1.7 million digitized pages are 400,000 onboard maps, which will also bring data on the fishing activity.
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