They are hit flowers that Poles even adore. Unfortunately, they are somewhat capricious, which requires proper care to be able to bloom long and abundantly. In addition to meeting the care bases, such as watering with the help of putting a pot in a bowl of water, it is also worth it Take care of supplying them with valuable nutrients. This can be easily done with the help of a conditioner prepared from garlic.
Etcups, in order to be able to bloom healthy and lush, require proper fertilization to provide the necessary nutrients. Such fertilization stimulates the plant to release new shoots, strengthens the root system, and also extends abundant bloom. It also significant strengthening of the plant’s immunity and health, That is why it is so important.
Fortunately for this purpose, you do not need to reach for store specifics, because Garlic can easily be used. For a few zlotys you will prepare a decoction that is perfect for orchids care. Garlic properties have been talked about for a long time and it is not only about influence on human health, but also other plants. And all this by Allicin, which has antibacterial, fungicidal and antiparasitic effect.
Thanks to this is excellent protection for plants against unwanted diseases and pests, such as shields that are a real bane when it comes to growing orchids. In addition The decoction prepared from garlic positively affects the condition of the plant. It improves the condition of the leaves and also strengthens the root system. The orchid becomes stronger, and all this translates into more impressive and longer flowering.
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A lot of people think that just putting a clove of garlic into a pot with a orchid will bring spectacular results. Nothing more wrong, so it’s good to know, how to prepare and use a decoction of garlic, which in turn has great effectiveness. The clove of garlic itself is slowly decomposing, which makes it difficult to release valuable ingredients. In the form of a decoction, the matter looks completely different. The substances contained in garlic are more easily absorbed for orchids.
The best part is that Preparation of garlic conditioner is extremely simple and does not take much time. All you need is garlic cloves and water. In order to prepare garlic water, Peel 3-4 cloves of garlic and crush them. Then pour a liter of warm, but unsitious water, thanks to which you will not lose the valuable properties of garlic. Leave the whole for at least 12 hours.
After this time, strain the decoction and Apply it to your orchids once every 2-3 weeks. Do not do this too often so as not to disturb the natural microflora of the substrate, which can bring the opposite effect to the assumed. The resulting decoction is given to your organs, just like water, i.e. Place the pot with a plant in a bowl in which garlic water is located.
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