Isolated favorite to assume the presidency of the House, federal deputy Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB) will be charged by the Rio de Janeiro bench to support President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) vetoes.
Parliamentarians, as well as the Rio Government, understand that the vetoes signed on the 13th, during the sanction of the States Debt Full Payment Program (Propag), impaired the state.
The Rio de Janeiro bench meets Motta at a dinner at a restaurant in Aterro do Flamengo on Tuesday (28).
The meeting is seen as a gesture of approximation. The whole bench has been invited, but PSOL parliamentarians should not go because the party will have its own presidential candidacy, Pastor Henrique Vieira.
Governor Claudio Castro (PL) and the mayor of the state capital, Eduardo Paes (PSD), are also expected at the meeting.
Castro had already advanced that he would articulate for the overthrow and that “Lula lost a historical opportunity to definitely change the mistakes that compromise Brazilian federalism.”
Meeting in São Paulo
On the night of Monday (27), in a prestigious event by the São Paulo bench and, which is from the same party as the future president.
Parliamentarians reported CNN that Motta was well prestigious and who brought to the future president demands on public safety, education and regulation of networks.
In a speech, Motta stressed the fact that he was supported by PL to PT parties.
“It is this center that, with dialogue and maturity, gives a demonstration of power here, terms representatives of the Workers Party alongside the Liberal Party,” he said.