The Minister Council has authorized the modification of the tender for the new concert of —The mutuality that offers concerted health to 1.53 million public and family officials-for the 2025-2027 period. With the new proposal, the State offers interested insurers to pay them 4,808 million euros, in the three years, in exchange for giving health services to teachers, police and other public employees. This offer involves paying 41.2% more medium premium with respect to the current agreement, 2021-2024. In this way, the Government wants to settle once and for all, which is causing a lot of discomfort between the official and brace within the Executive himself.
The total amount that the Ministry for the Digital Transition and the Public Function will disburse – that is 4,808 million in three years – will mean by the State 1,276.5 million euros more than with the current concert, which has had to be extended until April of 2025, before the refusal of the insurers to be presented to the new tender. Adeslas, Asisa and DKV, who until now offered these health services to the officials, alleged that the system is permanently undecided and that with the current agreement they have suffered together losses.
In the first tender for the new concert 2025-2027 the government offered an improvement of 17%, but. Something that had never happened in almost 50 years of history of this administrative mutuality. In a second tender, private sector compensation increased to 33.5%, but both Adeslas and DKV said they would not go because it was not enough. To do so, they argued, they would continue in red numbers. Of 250 million and almost 100 million, respectively. .
After several weeks of very discrete negotiations with the sector, last Saturday MuFACE and try to attract at least Adeslas, which until now was the insurance company for which the most mutualist opted. It was at that time that the insurer began to suggest that, so. So I could return to the concert. In the end, the government has had to put additional 330 million euros above the table to sweeten the offer.
Asisa, owned by a doctors cooperative, has already spoken about the improvement of 41.2%. From the entity “the effort that the administration has made to improve the financing of MUFACE is very positively assessed and looking for mechanisms that allow the guarantee of care quality, begin to correct the imbalances of the mutuality and seek its sustainability in the medium and long term.”
The Minister of the Branch, has already suggested on several occasions that, once this complicated renewal of the agreement is solved, a period of public reflection on how to guarantee the future of MUFACE should be initiated without having to reach the precipice with each new tender.
Insurers’ time
From now on, it will have to be published on the Public Procurement Portal will have this modification in the tender. From that moment on, the stopwatch will start again, with a period of 25 days for interested insurance. The whole market takes for granted that, with these new conditions, Asisa will be presented to the new concert. Just like, he has monopolized government’s interest in recent weeks. The latter is owned by 50.1% of the Madrid Mutual Group and in 49.9% of Caixabank, an entity that has the government in its shareholding. There are more doubts about what DKV will decide to do. From this company they explain that “they will wait for the conditions of conditions to see what we do.”
The MUFACE concert allows professors of public schools, institutes and universities, to choose every year if they want to have public or concerted health care. In the current agreement, 30% of mutualists opted for the coverage of the National Health System and the rest for coverage through insurers (33% opted for Adeslas, 24% per Asisa and 13% per DKV) .
Since MuFace’s first tender was deserted on October 5, Sumar has tried to mark its own profile within the coalition government with the Socialists. From the Ministry of Health, controlled by this formation, a report was issued that all mutualists and beneficiaries of MUFACE would become attended exclusively by public health.
On the other hand, all unions with representation within the official collective (from CC OO and UGT to the SUP police union) have exerted a lot of pressure on the Executive and the insurers to reach an agreement that will save this public-private collaboration model. Today, the CSIF Union Central – Mayoritarian within the officials of the General State Administration – although it is possible that the substantial improvement proposed by the Government is discussed.
In a note sent by the Ministry of Public Function, it is also clarified that the tender of health care for the 8,000 Spanish officials who work abroad and are covered by MUFACE International “will maintain the conditions set on December 17”, this is with an improvement of 33.5%. The only company that has been presented to provide this service is DKV, and now the ministry is analyzing “the viability of the offer presented.”