Investigation points out that cars could be illegally resold in São Paulo or disassembled for the commercialization of parts in the parallel market
A ceiling truck carrying vehicles associated with the police was intercepted by police in a recent operation. The incident occurred on the Presidente Dutra Highway, in the city of Seropédica, during the action called Operation Tourniquet. The truck driver has been arrested and now faces several accusations. During the approach, the authorities found that the carried cars had altered identifying signals. Among the vehicles, two were confirmed as stolen, which raises concerns about the origin of cars and their possible destinations.
The investigation points out that cars could be illegally resold in São Paulo or dismantled for the commercialization of black market parts. The truck had come from a community under the control of the Red Command, suggesting a direct connection with criminal activities. The driver, in addition to being accused of receiving, will also be liable for adulteration of identifying signals and criminal association.
*Report produced with the aid of AI
Posted by Fernando Dias