Donald Trump continues to rule for Las Bravas a week after returning to the presidency of the United States. The White House Budget Office sent an instruction on Monday to all departments and agencies of the Federal Administration to freeze the disbursements of loans, subsidies and aid while the new government analyzes although it indicates that they do so to the extent that the law allow it. The two -page document, and whose authenticity was confirmed by US media, has generated enormous confusion and uncertainty in federal agencies and the recipients of these programs. At the same time, Trump has also decided to stop the aid to poor countries with HIV medications, AIDS virus, malaria and others, which save millions of lives.
The instruction disseminated by the interim director of the Office of Management and Budget (WBO), Matthew Vaeth, orders federal agencies temporarily pausar “all activities related to the obligation or disbursement of all federal financial assistance.” “The use of federal resources to promote Marxist equity, transsexuality and social engineering policies of the new green pact is a waste of taxpayers’ money that does not improve the daily life of those we serve,” argues the memorandum.
Although Trump’s government has decided to kill gunflows and suddenly cut the tap of public financing preventively to all kinds of programs. Compliance with the order means to stop the delivery of items of hundreds of billions or even billion dollars in annual terms for all types of purposes.
Among the recipients of federal disbursements are state and local administrations. Programs that are financed with that money include education and transport. Loan disbursement to small businesses, money for universities research, funds for non -profit health organizations and many other aid are cut.
The document specifies that the freezing of funds does not affect the benefits of Medicare, the public health insurance system, or social security. Aids directly addressed to individuals are also saved, although the scope of that exception is not clear and, in addition, most programs are not channeled directly, but through other organizations.
It is not even clear that Trump has the authority to take a measure of that draft. “More anarchy and chaos in the United States while Donald Trump’s administration blatantly disobeys the law, retaining practically all vital funds that support programs in all communities in the country. If this continues, the American people will pay a terrible price ”, after the instruction is spread. “Congress approved these investments and are not optional, they are the law. These subsidies help communities of red states [republicanos] and blue [demócratas] And they support families, help parents raise their children and lead to stronger communities, ”which also distrusts that the freezing is temporary.
The memorandum requires federal agencies to identify and review all federal financial aid programs and support activities in accordance with Trump’s policies and quotes as examples as president. With them, the green agenda, diversity and inclusion policies, foreign aid and immigration.
To apply according to the instruction, “each agency must complete an exhaustive analysis of all its federal financial aid programs to identify programs, projects and activities that may be involved in any of the president’s executive orders.” “Meanwhile, to the extent that it allows applicable legislation, federal agencies must temporarily suspend all activities related to the obligation or disbursement of all federal financial assistance, and other relevant activities of the agency that may be affected by the Executive orders, including, among others, financial assistance for foreign aid, non -governmental organizations, [término para referirse despectivamente a políticas progresistas] And the new green pact, ”adds the document.
The date set for the entry into force of the instruction is peremptory: this Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. of Washington (23.00 hours in peninsular Spain). The White House Budget Office gives federal agencies until February 10 to present detailed information about all programs, projects or activities subject to the pause in disbursements.
Maximum alarm for NGOs
“This order is a potential maximum alarm fire for non -profit organizations and the people and communities they serve,” said Diane Yentel, “from the interruption of research on the cure of childhood cancer until the closing of Shelters for homeless, the interruption of food assistance, reduction in security against domestic violence and the closure of suicide help telephone lines, the impact of even a brief pause on financing could be devastating and cost lives . This order could decimate thousands of organizations and leave neighbors without the services they need, ”he added.
At the same time, and as part of that included in the Trump administration, it has taken measures to stop the supply of medicines that save lives against HIV, malaria and tuberculosis, as well as medical supplies for newborns, according to Reuters.
On Tuesday, contractors and partners who work with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) began receiving Memorandos, one of which, aimed at Chemonics firm, the agency had access. The document paralyzes the help of the company in terms of HIV, malaria and tuberculosis, as well as contraceptives and maternal-infantile health supplies, according to Reuters a source and a former USAID official.
“This is catastrophic,” said Atul Gawande, former Global Health of USAID who left the agency this month. “Donated medication supplies keep 20 million people living with HIV. That ends today, ”he added. Interruptions in the treatment of diseases imply that patients run the risk of getting sick, as well as, in the case of HIV in particular, to transmit the virus to other people. It also means that drug -resistant strains may arise, according to Gawande.