The established industry of vehicles in Brazil is studying forwarding a process request andidumping Against Chinese automakers, who have had imports to stand in the country.
“There are ongoing market studies,” said the president of the Association of Vehicle automakers, Anfavea, Marcio de Lima Leite.
The Executive answered the question about the newspaper report The State of S.Paulo this Monday (27), which states that the “oldest automakers with factories in Brazil will enter, in the coming days, with the request for investigation of dumping against Chinese companies that are selling imported vehicles in the country. ”
According to the newspaper, “the main target is the cars, but will also include brands that sell trucks, buses and agricultural machines and roads.”
A process of antidumping According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it occurs against one or several companies, which “exports a product at a price lower than the price normally charged in its domestic market.” After an investigation from the targeted country of the dumpingit is determined if the practice is causing “material damage” in the importing country. The measure is usually taken with the unilateral application of surcharge on product imports from the target companies of the investigation.
Brazil’s vehicle sector finished 2024 with sales of 14.2 million new and used light and used cars, the largest volume ever registered in the country, according to data released by Anfavea in the middle of the month, when he said that the growth of the Brazilian market for New last year, 14.1%, marked the best performance among major global vehicle markets, well above the global average of 2%.
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Anfavea has not confirmed if a request for antidumping It will be done in the coming days to the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, but said that “it defends free competition and the prevention of practices that harm the Brazilian automotive market, ensuring customers, employees, concessionaires, manufacturers and auto parts industry” .
The largest references currently among Chinese vehicle brands in Brazil are the manufacturers of BYD and GWM electric and hybrid vehicles, which are building local factories in Bahia and São Paulo, respectively, while selling finished models produced in China.
Sought, GWM stated in a statement that “it sees the action with tranquility, because it strictly follows international rules and Brazilian law for foreign trade.”
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According to GWM, “the company is increasing the pace of hiring in Brazil aiming at the beginning of production of its first electrified cars at the Iracemápolis factory, in the interior of São Paulo, scheduled for the first half of this year.”
The MDIC said in a statement that, so far, the Department of Foreign Trade (Secex) received no petition related to the matter.
“Regarding the administrative procedures of practice investigation antidumpingthe folder clarifies that the investigations are initiated and conducted by Secex; And that eventual application of measures is always preceded by deliberation by the Executive Management Committee (GECEX), an interministerial collegiate, ”he added.
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Already BYD representatives did not comment on the matter immediately.
Chinese growth
According to data from the Brazilian Vehicle Dealer Federation, Fenabrave, BYD ended December among the ten largest light vehicle brands in the country, with 4.14% share in the total sales in the domestic market, ahead of Honda and Nissan And practically tied with Jeep, from the Stellantis group. In accumulated of the year, the Chinese company was in the last position among the ten largest brands, with 3.1% of the market.
But considering only electric and hybrid vehicles, BYD and GWM led the Brazilian market with time off, according to Fenabrave data: Byd sold 76,800 lightweight cars in Brazil in 2024 and GWM 29,200 units, compared to 20.3 Thousand Toyota hybrids and 8,600 Volvo Car units, a controlled Chinese Geely.