Many of us from time to time begins to bother cough, especially during variable weather and winter months. However, the doctor has revealed several symptoms regarding this condition, where you should seek help immediately. ., ‘ may signal the incidence of insidious cancer.
The cough is usually not dangerous
Cough is a common symptom of seasonal diseases such as colds or Covid-19, no Many of us often affect the spring when hay fever is manifested. However, as the doctor Claire Nestinson said, in some cases may be a symptom of something much more dangerous. “Cough is a reflex reaction that can cause sudden noisy air ejection from the lungs,” she revealed.
The expert added that the most common types are a dry cough and thoracic cough, each of which is slightly different. “Dry cough is grim and does not produce mucus while thoracic produces mucus that helps to clean the airways. In most cases, symptoms are will improve within a few weeks without any treatment being needed. Therefore, these types of cough rarely indicate something seriously, “she assured people.
How can you get rid of them effectively? “Many coughs that are due to viral respiratory infection such as colds or flu, can be managed at home through rest and drinking large amounts of fluids“advises Claire Nestinson.
The cough is usually not dangerous to life. (illustration photo)
When do you need to find help?
But there are also Symptoms that you shouldn’t ignore. “If you are troubled by cough for more than three weeks, you are losing weight unreasonably, you have a weakened immune system or feel chest pain, You should urgently search for a specialist or contact your general practitioner“warns the expert.
- Smoking
- Heartburn (acid reflux)
- Allergies such as hay fever
- Infections as bronchitis
- Mucus flowing into the throat from the back of the nose
The cough does not have to be caused by colds. (illustration photo)
Experts notes that in rare cases cough may be a symptom of lung cancer. They add that you should seek help if:
- Your cough is very strong or deteriorates rapidly
- You don’t feel very well
- You have chest pain
- The side of your neck is swollen and painful, indicating swelling of the glands
- Hard to breathe
- You cough up blood