In January 2024, Ikea’s Kallax bookcase was ‘famous’. A year later, fame remains and it all started thanks to the Swedish store marketing team. Although the bookcase stands out for its tidiness, the fact that it can be rolled horizontally and vertically, as well as the price set at 55 euros, it was none of these three factors that gave it fame.
It was Ikea’s marketing team that managed to call customers and put a shelf in the sights of the Portuguese press.
All because the announcement of this bookcase that was spread by the outdoors of the Portuguese streets alluded to the case of the 75,800 euros found in the Office of Vítor Escora, who would be in envelopes inside books and in a box of wine, during the search for business suspicions with lithium and hydrogen.
“Good to keep books. Or 78,500 euros ”, read in the ad
In advertising that was all over the country, the image of the Kallax shelf was seen, accompanied by a caption where you read: “Good to keep books. Or 78,500 euros ”.
When the announcement became ‘viral’, Ikea issued a statement to SIC News where it ensured that the campaign had no political intention. The Swedish store has only advanced that it likes to “develop campaigns that reflect real life”, ensuring that the goal is to face the campaigns with humor and relieve the tension of an increasingly nervous world.
What is certain is that the campaign went from billboards to television, radio and newspapers and quickly other brands took advantage of the success of Ikea’s announcement to advertise their products, alluding to the case of corruption that was the protagonist the former head António Costa’s cabinet, Vitor Scrária.
The bookcase is for sale for 55 euros
As for the Kallax shelf, be aware that it continues to sell on Ikea for only 55 euros and stands out to be mounted horizontally and vertical. According to, this one of the products of the Swedish company most sought after and spoken by the Portuguese in 2024.
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