Will have happened on Saturday, in Perafita, Matosinhos, following a road accident in which a driver was arrested for the crime of driving under the influence of alcohol. The driver was assaulted by a GNR military man.
GNR’s general command has filed a disciplinary proceedings for a military personnel following an alleged aggression to a driver on Saturday in Perafita, Matosinhos, today confirmed to Lusa Guard.
Questioned by Lusa about the alleged aggression on Wednesday revealed by various media based on a supposed video, GNR’s Communication and Public Relations Division answered without ever mentioning that there was aggression.
“I must inform me that the situation viewed in the video took place last Saturday, January 25, in the locality of Perafita, Matosinhos, following a Occurrence of road accidenthaving resulted in the detention of the driver involved, by Crime of driving under the influence of alcohol“It reads in the answer signed by Major David dos Santos.
“Additionally, it should also be noted that, after analyzing the images in that video, the Opening of the respective procedure of disciplinary scope, with a view to determining the circumstances in which the facts occurred. “
Lusa also asked whether the military remains in office or was removed, but got no response.