If you usually analyze the labels of the products you buy, you may have already noticed the presence of the letter “℮” with the quantity indicated in the packaging. But do you know what this symbol means? According to the European Union (EU), pre-marked products sold in EU countries should indicate their weight or nominal volume. This requirement applies to various products, including food, beverages, cosmetics and cleaning products. But do you know what this letter “℮” means?
The symbol “℮” indicates that the manufacturer follows European legislation on weight and volume measurements. As the EU explains, it can be placed “in previously selected, pre-marked products that sell individually to a constant volume (for liquid products) or a constant weight (for other products).” This rule applies to products that have between 5 grams or 5 milliliters and 10 kilograms or 10 liters.
Is the symbol “℮” mandatory?
No, advances a. The presence of this symbol is not mandatory, but it has advantages. According to the EU, “you can sell them in all EU countries without having to check if you have met national requirements.” Thus, the use of “℮” facilitates the commercialization of the product within the European Union, ensuring that the quantities indicated in the packaging are in accordance with the standards in force.
How is the accuracy of the quantities guaranteed?
For the symbol “℮” to be valid, packaging must obey strict criteria:
- The average amount of products of the same lot should be equal to or greater than the quantity indicated in the package.
- The nominal weight or volume refers only to the product, without including packaging or any auxiliary material (like the rod of a tuft, conservation ice or a service board).
- A small margin of negative error is admittedthat is, some packaging may contain a slightly lower than declared, but within the legal limits set forth in Annex 1 of EU legislation.
We hope you already know more in detail why the letter “℮” appears in certain packaging, if someday wants to consult your label more detailed.
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