How to achieve to make your home warmer only using the Allen key. Not on the radiators

by Andrea

Do you have plastic windows at home? And do you know that they can switch to winter mode? If not, you are not alone… “Most people do not know at all and they could save a lot of money on heating the apartment,” says the expert, continues: “The winter regime not only prevents the dew of windows, but also reduces the humidity in the apartment. This also prevents dangerous molds. ”Therefore, do not hesitate and reset your“ plasters ”to the winter mode. Here’s how to …

The video author, Furulev, will show you how to switch plastic windows to winter mode. More on the channel

Source: YouTube

Summer and winter regime

According to the expert, most plastic windows have two modes – summer and winter. The difference between them is the pressure. “When the windows are set to summer mode, they ventilate more. In winter mode, it seals more to keep warm in the room, ”says the expert, adding in one breath that not all windows have this gadget. If you want to know how yours are, it is best to ask the manufacturer directly. If you don’t remember the window brand, just open the window and look at the window frame.

Dot as an indicator

Have you found a lot of switches and pins on the window frame? Then you have won. “First find the window adjustment pin. Mostly it is located in a metal frame lining the wing of the window. Then focus on the hexagon and dot switch. What is the position of the dot? If it is at the bottom, you have a window switched to summer mode. If it is on the left, the window is programmed for winter time.

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Other types of pins

Switching the window itself to the winter mode is no science. All you need is the Allen key or pliers. “Tighten the tools towards the rubber,” the expert recommends, adding that on some windows there is a switch in the form of a hexagonal “knob” with a straight line in the middle. While in summer mode the line is horizontal, in winter it is vertical. Therefore, there is nothing lighter to turn the switch to the position you currently need. “Then there is one type of pins – oval, which is set in the 45 degrees position. If you need to set it to the winter mode, just turn it in a horizontal position, ”advises the expert.

Test with a crank

Are you sure if you managed to switch the window correctly? Take this test: Try to close the click by the window. If it goes, your window is switched to winter time. The reason for the worse manipulation is the wing of the window, which is more pressed against the sealing rubber. Therefore, the apartment just does not blow something. “If you are dewed in winter, you need to attract the pin more, because apparently little seals,” explains the expert.

Ventilation is necessary

Although the winter regime allows the windows to preserve more heat in the room, it is no harm to ventilate from time to time. Fresh air from the outside gives your home a little oxygen so that your head does not unnecessarily hurt from the exhaled air. You should ventilate quickly, intensively and several times a day. “You don’t have to worry that after ventilation it will be cold again. Heating the temperature quickly compares, ”concludes the expert.


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