Among historians, it is practically consensual that Jesus was a real historical figure. Without direct archaeological evidence, its existence can be confirmed by old reports not associated with Christianity.
For most contemporary historians, the existence of a man named Jesus, who lived about 2,000 years ago in the Galilee region, known for his preaching and was executed by Roman power, is considered a truth. And this It is not a matter of faith -Especially because investigations just look for evidence of what is history, not the myth that was later created around the figure of this human being.
However, there is no object, artifact or any tangible trace of your life.
“Jesus was part of a socioeconomic context of simple and common, subordinate people who lived at the limit of survival. Archeology is unable to identify [vestígios de] ordinary and anonymous people, of mapping them. And yet, they existed, ”explains historian André Leonardo Chevitarese, a professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and author, among others, from the book“ Jesus Historical: a very brief introduction ”.
“It is important to remember that Jesus It was not a relevant figure in its timeso we do not expect to find a monument in his honor at the time, ”exemplifies historian Alex Fernandes Bohrer, professor at the Federal Institute of Minas Gerais (IFMG) and author of the book“ Jesus: a brief historical script for curious ”.
This poor peasant man, probably illiterate, monoglot in Aramaic, who lived most of his life in a small village – Nazareth – located on the periphery of the Roman Empire, managed to bring together some followers. However, its importance would only grow with time after death, when their followers and followers eventually turned their legacy into a religion.
Relics allegedly related to his crucifixion and death, such as the crown of thorns stored in the notre-dame cathedral in Paris, or the linen fabric that would have involved his body, known as holy holy and exposed in the Turin cathedral, in Italy, They have no proven authenticity For scientific investigations-it is suspected that they may be counterfeits of the Middle Ages.
What the old historians say
For researchers, the historical existence of Jesus is proven by texts from ancient historians who mention it and indirect archaeological evidence that confirm the context described in biblical passages.
Father and biblist John Paul Meier (1942-2022), author of the work “The Marginal Jew: Rethinking The Historical Jesus”, considered it important to look for extrabiblical references about the historical Jesus, since “Bible evidence is biasedencapsulated in a theological text written by committed believers ”.
The name of Jesus appears in texts by Roman and Jewish authors. The Roman historian CORNÉLIO TACADO (56-118 AD), who despised Christians, mentioned him in the report on the famous fire of Rome in 64 AD in the text, he states that Emperor Nero (37-68 AD) to “end the rumor” that he would have been responsible for the fire, “he blamed and punished those hated by his shameful acts, whom the people called Christians.”
“The founder of this name, Christ, had been executed in the reign of Tiberius by the prosecutor Pontius Pilatos,” writes Tacitus.
“Tacitus, like other classic authors, does not reveal the sources he used. But this should not reduce our confidence in your statements, ”says historian Lawrence Mykytiuk, professor at the University of Purdue, in the United States, in an article published in 2015. He considers tacit“ one of the best historians of Rome ”that“ never wrote carefully wrote ”.
Another frequently cited author is Flávio Josefo (37-100 AD), Jewish-Roman historian. It mentions Jesus twice in the work “Jewish Antiquities.” The book “The Jewish War” also makes reference to the character in some versions, but there is no consensus on whether these excerpts are authentic or later interpolations of Christian authors.
In “Jewish antiquities”, there is an incidental mention when Josephus identifies James, church leader in Jerusalemas “brother of Jesus, called Messiah.” Mykytiuk comments that, when using Jesus to identify James as the focus of the discussion, the historian makes it clear that Jesus was “a real person.”
Another longer stretch is controversial. The known version contains some clearly Christian expressions, suggesting changes over the centuries. However, comparative textual analysis with other Josephus writings and an Arabic translation discovered in the twentieth century lead most historians to agree that Part of the text is authentic That is, about a non -religious account of Jesus, Christians will have added theological elements.
Thus, it is extracted that “around that time Jesus lived, a wise man,” “a master of people” who “conquered many Jews and many Greeks.” It is also said that it was crucified, but that “the tribe of Christians, so called in his honor, has not yet disappeared.”
Other historians also mention Jesus, as Plínio, the young man (61-114 AD), which recorded the existence of a primitive worship of its figure.
No one disputed its existence at the time
There are still Indirect documentary evidence of the existence of Jesus. Theologian Robert Van Voors, author of “Jesus Outside The New Testament: An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence,” points to documents produced by rabbis of the time to say “No Jews [daquele período] which opposed Christianity denied or questioned the historicity of Jesus. ”
In his book, Van Voess recalls that “if anyone in the ancient world had reason to reject the Christian faith, it would be the rabbis.” Therefore, “arguing that Jesus never existed, but it was a creation of the early Christians, it would have been the most effective controversy against Christianity.”
“All Jewish sources treated Jesus as a completely historical figure. The rabbis used the real events of Jesus’ life against Him, ”he explains.
In archeology, there are also indirect evidence that would confirm, according to the researchers, the existence of the historical Jesus.
“From a figure without much expression in the first century, which was important only for those who knew him, we do not expect to find direct traces. But there are the indirect, ”says Bohrer,“ that, added and analyzed in a historical prism, allow you to create an overview. ”
Among these traces, he cites tombs “ People linked to the story of Jesus“, Like Caiaphas’ boss, discovered in 1990 and who may have belonged to the High Priest with the same name-although experts are all in agreement. It also mentions the ring attributed to the Roman governor Pontius Pilatos, discovered in 1968 and analyzed in 2018. “There are a number of elements that demonstrate that this context existed,” comments the historian.
The village of Jesus
Chevitarese recalls another recent work by archaeologist Ken Dark, professor at King’s College in London, and author of the book “Archaeology of Jesus’ Nazareth”. Over the course of 14 years, Dark has led an extensive archaeological work in search of traces of the Nazareth of the Times of Jesus – including to prove that the village existed at the time.
“He found, from the stratigraphic point of view, that Nazareth had existed since the second half of the second century Before the common era, ”says Chevitarese. According to the archaeologist, the city where Jesus lived was a pauperrimin and had 300 to 500 inhabitants.
“Therefore, archeology demonstrates, from the point of view of a historical scenario, which is fully plausible the existence of Nazareth, Jesus and many other peasants of that first half of the first century,” concludes the professor at UFRJ.