The president of the Junta de Andalucía, will foreseeably become a little less than a month in the new president of the European Regions Committee (CDR), a European Advisory Agency, thanks to an agreement between the European Popular Party (PPE) and the European Socialist Party (PES). For now, Moreno has only announced his intention to present his candidacy next Friday. But parliamentary sources in Brussels have confirmed the pact, which, as it has been tradition, the five years of the committee between conservatives and social democrats, the two main European forces are distributed. On this occasion, he will first assume, for two and a half years, the Andalusian baron of the PP – since outgoing president, the comes from the socialist ranks – and, subsequently, another socialist, the vice mayor of Budapest Kata Tütto. The elections will take place on February 20.
“It is done,” confirms one of the sources, according to which it has been an agreement that “has worked hard.” Even so, this pact is far from being unusual, they remember other sources: the distribution of the five -year – the 329 members). The news of the candidacy was advanced on Tuesday in Seville by the Minister of Economy of the Board, Carmen Spain, and this Wednesday, during an ABC forum in Madrid.
“Since 2019 we wanted to be very present in Europe, because we understood that going to Brussels is part of those domestic flights (…) In Brussels it is the European institution where many of the debates also have to solve it, and where many of the possible solutions come , some of the problems we have as a region of the world. That is why I have formally presented my candidacy for the Presidency of the European Committee of the Regions and Cities of Europe, because I consider that Andalusia must be on the European and Andalusia agenda has to have a level of projection and representation, ”he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, he explained, Informa Eva Saiz.
Moreno is expected this Friday in Brussels, where he will participate in the PPE meeting in the Council of the regions where his candidacy will be confirmed. Hungarian socialist was decided last November. If everything goes as planned, and there are no indications that this tradition will be changed, Moreno will be the third Spanish who occupies this position since the creation of this agency in 1994. The former socialist mayor of Barcelona and subsequently president of The Generalitat Pasqual Maragall (1996-98) and the one who was popular president of Murcia Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso (2012-14).
This advisory body allows regional and local representatives of the 27 EU member states on community legislation that directly affects regions and cities. In fact, both the Commission and the European Council and Parliament must consult the CDR – which in turn issues an opinion – when preparing legislative acts on matters related to the local and regional administration in the areas of Health, Education, Education, Employment, social policy, economic and social cohesion, transport, energy and climate change. If not, the CDR can lead to these institutions before the European Court of Justice (TJUE).