Well-known faces from the Czech-Slovak show business premiered on Tuesday, January 7 at the Lucerna cinema Prague Miniseries from Voyo Original – Well. Jana Nagyová and other faces from television screens shone at the premiere.
The six -part family drama directed by Tereza Kopáčová according to the screenplay of Miro Sipra and Kristina Májová has a star cast. The story revolves around the infamous tragedy, in which in 1968 spouses from the village near Prague died. The husbands are played by actors David Švehlík and Johana Matoušová. An event from one frosty night arouses curiosity to this day.
Actor Filip František Červenka portrayed in the well Slávkathe only surviving family tragedy. It attracts him a darker theme of similar films and series? Does he watch something like that?
“Of course I watch. I like it, it’s not something I would be frightened. I think many people want to see it to see the act and the whole darkness that the story and family bring, ” He said in an interview with a Czech actor. What awaits him after the premiere of this new series? You will learn in our video interview at the beginning of the article!