Chinese zodiac. The Lunar New Year 2025 begins on January 29, marking the year of the wooden snake. Each Chinese zodiac sign will have a very lucky months this year. According to the Master Feng Shui Marie Diamond, the year of the wooden snake brings a wave of renewal and strategic growth, being the perfect time to give up the old patterns and embrace new opportunities. Diamond stresses that 2025 is a year of strong transformations, with significant opportunities for financial success. Lucky months for each zodiac sign represent conducive moments to capitalize on this strong energy.
Lucky months of 2025 for each Chinese zodiac sign:
Chinese zodiac rat
Lucky months: April and November
The year of the wooden snake will be quiet for you, rats, and new opportunities will be easier for you. You have the chance to guide young people in your field, be it career, recreation or personal life. Be more spiritual and open with those around you, and music will have a positive impact on you.
Lucky months: April and December
Dear Bivol, be cautious with social interactions this year. You have a huge potential, and your success will attract both friends and envy. It retains discretion in romantic life and important decisions. Involvement in creative projects with children or charitable activities is recommended.
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Chinese zodiac tiger
Lucky months: February and November
Dear Tiger, an excellent year, full of respect and financial opportunities await you. However, pay attention to false people. Explore creative hobbies that will expand your horizons and help you develop personally.
Lucky months: July and October
Dear Rabbit, this year brings harmony in home life. Friendship will be a central theme, and the time spent with friends could lead to love. This year’s energy will stimulate your creativity.
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Chinese zodiac Dragon
Lucky months: March and April
Dear Dragon, the year of the snake comes with an energy impulse in the first part of the year. Focus on close relationships and keep a small circle of friends to avoid unnecessary stress.
More details, on the advice of Pă