The latest observations show an increase in the activity of the most “restless” volcano from the northeastern part of the Pacific Ocean.
The researchers summarizes: it is prepared for an eruption, which, according to forecasts, could start until the end of this year.
The axial volcano is located under water, 480 km from the Oregon state coast. The situation is aggravated by the fact that this place represents the area where the Juan de Fuca plate meets the Pacific plate, and the rock below it “boils”, causing the mountain to rise.
As Nature reports, the volcano has a shield -type structure. This means that it was formed from a thin layer of lava. During the eruption, its surface will crack, it will not explode, which will allow the magma to penetrate the surface and form a new marine bottom.
The researchers monitor this object since 1997. In the last 30 years, the volcano has erupted three times: in 1998, 2011 and 2015. The latest seismic data researches have shown that multiple magma tanks have again formed. They are at the top of the terrestrial bark, under the basalt and gabro layers, ie hard rocks containing high concentrations of magnesium and iron.
Experts find a constant increase in seismic activity in the last six months. The number of small earthquakes has now reached several hundred per day. Geologists emphasize that tension cannot accumulate endlessly and that it will cause a rash. This will probably not be a threat to people, but his study will help to predict such events more precisely.