A 100 -year -old woman says this superfood is a mystery of longevity – not what you think

by Andrea

The title picture is Marge Jetton at the age of 103. She was in such mental and physical well -being and great condition that it could be envied by ladies younger. What did she break down? How did she live?

The blue zone is the seat of the adventist community. How is it related?

Would you also like the secrets of blue zones? The so -called blue zones are places in the world where people live to a very old age and quite often round hundreds! One of these regions is also the Loma Linda Loma.

A place where there is also a community of nine thousand adventists. This community distinguishes not only belonging to this church, but also the way of life. They live longer, practice, their diet is primarily vegetarian and avoid alcohol and cigarettes.

It is believed that the temperance and simple ingredients play an important role in longevity. That is why we often talk about oatmeal. How to prepare them will be told by the author of this post from the YouTube channel Scotland Kralovna.

Source: YouTube

Break up oatmeal like Marge Jetton

Adventist was also Mrs. Marge Jetton, who died in 2011 at the age of 106. From the point of view it was a lady in excellent form. Jetton was literally an icon of the blue zone of Loma Linda, and after reaching hundreds, she was still physically admirable and without hesitation you would guess her at least twenty years less.

Nor can it be said that Jetton had some secrets. She merely adhered to what the members of her community were applying for. The fact that she liked to break up oatmeal was just a candy for lifelong care for good physical and mental well -being. Jetton took part in many television and newspaper interviews, as well as filming the documentary How to Live Forever, or how to live forever.

The vital senior woman did not live forever, but it was definitely a case of such an aging that would like everyone. She was very fit. Until the end of her life, she practiced with light dumbbells and rode on the cycling system several miles a day. It was even not only funny, but also properly sarcastic. When they asked her what was best at this age, Jetton replied that “she no longer felt no pressure on her peers”.

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Oatmeal a hundred times differently

Oatmeal is one of the basic foods that should definitely be part of every diet. Nor did Jetton eat flakes daily. However, healthy, not very processed and nutritionally interesting foods are definitely a good step into the new day.

We consider oatmeal as a sweet breakfast and for this reason it is not an ideal choice for everyone. But the flakes do not have to eat sweetened with honey or sprinkled with cinnamon and nuts. You can also prepare them to taste and possibilities. They are suitable for eggs and beans and other legumes, vegetables, cheese, green spices, avocado and many other things that clearly belong to the balanced diet.

Oatflames are spoken quite often in the world of nutrition. Some say it is a miracle and necessary raw material in every kitchen, others believe that there is nothing worse than a sweet breakfast and thus even flakes can not cross the threshold.

What does science say? In August last year, a study called “Summary overview of meta -analyzes and systematic overviews of oats on all causes, cardiovascular risk, risk of diabetes, body weight/adiposity and intestinal health” were published in the Critical Review in Food Science and Nutrition. It is a summary and summary of the results of studies from previous years, whose analysis the authors tried to dop by studying verified information.

The summary overview summarizes the data from the analyzes. Oats, or oatmeal, are known to reduce blood cholesterol. The health benefits also relate to the reduction of blood glucose, blood pressure and body weight. At the same time, they improve bowel health, mainly thanks to beta-glucan and its fermentation products. Observation and randomized studies suggest that oats may reduce the risk of diabetes and mortality for all causes.


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Sources: Bluezones.com, Pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

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