It continues preparations for the elections for the presidency of the house, scheduled for Saturday (1), with posters of candidates such as (-PB), favorite to office, and Marcel Van Hattem (Novo-RS).
At the door of the Republican office and chamber runners, there are posters from the Motta campaign. Despite the favoritism and victory given for certain, the parliamentarian still has (PSOL-RJ).
Motta is the candidate for Arthur Lira (PP-AL), current president of the House, and has the support of a range of parties, from Lula PT to Bolsonaro PL.
Also on Saturday there are elections for president of. In this case, the favorite is David Alcolumbre (Union-AP), which competes with astronaut Marcos Pontes (PL-SP), Soraya Thronicke (Somos-MS) and Eduardo Girão (Novo-CE).
The votes for the successor are secret.
Collaborated, Victoria Azevedo and Mariana Brasil, from Brasilia
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