To plant in your garden, we must plan it properly. Placing them too close to the fence, can make our neighbors not satisfied, because the growing plants will lead to shading the property or fence damage. Therefore, it is worth knowing at what distance from the fence we should plant thuja.
There is no uniform provision in Polish law that would apply to the minimum distance of planting trees and shrubs from the plot border. So there is no a thorough determination of what distance the hedge should be from the end of the property.
However, according to Article 48 of the Civil Code of April 23, 1964, All plants growing on a given plot belong to its owner and he is responsible for planting and care. Therefore, we are responsible for our thuja, and for where and how they grow.
In conflict situations, the court often refers to the Act of 7 July 1994 on construction law, in which, according to Article 29. Paragraph 2 point 21, Construction of a fence with a height of up to 220 centimeters does not require notification to the relevant authorities. Therefore, the courts They often recognize that hedges at the fence should not exceed this limit.
In addition, when planting you, it is worth ensuring that They were within the plot and did not go to the neighbor’s property. It is recognized that the safe minimum when it comes to the distance of thuja planting is 50 cm. However, it is recommended to plant them at a distance of about 1 m because This will allow us to avoid trouble moving the plant to the neighboring property, and in addition, it will facilitate the care of the plant and its trimming, Because we will gain space between the fence and Tiaja.
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Of course, we must also take care of our thuja so that they can develop healthy. For this purpose, the best Plant them in sunny positions or in partial shade to provide them with a few hours of light a day.
Planting thuja is best done in the spring – from mid -April or autumn – Six weeks before frosts. Avoid planting them in the summer because it increases the risk of drying plants. Let’s also remember that Tuje like fertile soil and permeableand. It is worth planting them in a special substrate for conifers and mixing the soil with peat.
In addition, before planting a thuja, when they are still in pots, We should immerse them for 10 minutes in water to hydrate their root shape. In addition, let’s try to dig a hole at least twice as deeper than the height of its root block. Freshly planted plants should be watered often and abundantly.