Are you looking for the only, unique recipe for donuts like decades ago? It is worth reaching for recipes available in old cookbooks. We offer today this one from the book “Polish Cuisine” edited by M. Librowska. Check it out – it is not difficult to do, and the effects are delighted.
You need to prepare these donuts:
- 500 g of flour,
- 50 g of fresh yeast,
- 50 g cukru,
- 250 ml of summer milk,
- 3 yolks + 1 egg,
- 50 g of liquid butter,
- grain with ½ vanilla pods,
- 1 tablespoon of spirit,
- juice and skin rubbed with ½ lemon,
- a pinch of salt,
- about 750 g lard,
- 50 g of powdered sugar (for decoration),
- 200 g of marmalade.
Rub the yeast with a spoonful of sugar, 100 g of flour and about half the milk. The solution should be thick as cream. Set aside in a warm place to rise. Grate yolks and egg with the rest of the sugar. Add flour, vanilla beans, lemon juice and zest, rest of milk, spirit and a pinch of salt to them to them. The product is made of all ingredients with a flash for a smooth, shiny dough. Without interrupting the kneading, gradually add butter to the dough. When the dough combines with fat, form a ball from it and put it in a quarter of an hour in a warm place.
When the dough begins to grow, knead it again. Separate portions weighing about 40 g with a greased spoon. Form rings from them, and put ½ teaspoon marmalade to the center. Pour the marmalade thoroughly in the dough (so that it does not flow), form balls and put them on the bottom on the bottom on the bottom on the bottom. Cover the formed donuts with a cloth and set aside in a warm place to rise.
Heat the fat in a pot – it must be enough to make the donuts in it freely. Check that the fat is well heated, throwing a piece of cake into it. If it flows out and browned quickly, you can start frying.
Fry the first batch of donuts – about 3 minutes under cover, and after turning to the other side for 3 minutes uncovered. Fry all donuts in this way. Put fried on tissue paper. When they cool down, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
See also:
How to make donuts that do not absorb fat? Use this recipe
You don’t know what dish to serve guests? Make an elegant snack for a party
Simple donuts with chocolate. For a carnival or a fat Thursday they will be as found