Finance Minister Fernando Haddad said on Wednesday, 29, that the possibility of an interest rate in the new design of the payroll loans for private sector workers is under discussion in the government and will be deliberated by the President of the Republic Luiz Ignatius Lula da Silva. The issue was discussed in a meeting with the chief executive, ministers and financial institutions on Wednesday, 29. Haddad also said that the extinction of the FGTS-Anniversary was not debated at the meeting.
“This will be a subject deliberate by the president in the referral,” said Haddad, when asked about the interest ceiling in the new payroll. As showed the Broadcast (Real -time news system of the State Group), although banks have already spoken against government technicians argue that there should be limits to avoid “abuse”, as the worker’s savings will be given as a guarantee in credit operations.
Haddad said the government has not yet decided whether to send a provisional measure or a bill to Congress by establishing the new payroll loans, although it let it “escape” during the press conference that would be an MP. “The president should call a last government meeting to arbitrate the small points that are missing included in the bill, or provisional measure, I still have no news that the vehicle will be that the president will decide,” he said.
The minister also reiterated that in 2025 the country will have an efficient tool to promote cheap workers credit. “Personal credit today, as the bank is without any guarantee, it sometimes puts a difficult rate by the borrower,” he said.
In the new design of the payroll, there will be no longer the need for intermediation with the employer. The hiring will take place in a kind of reverse auction. By eSocial, at the time the employee shows interest in the payroll, banks will be able to prepare proposals, which will be available for the choice of those who want to hire the operation.
The proposal to extinguish the anaquenal withdrawal, as has been defended by the Minister of Labor, Luiz Marinho, since the beginning of the government, was not the subject of the meeting on Wednesday, according to Haddad.
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Marinho’s idea was that the new format of the private payroll, which serves workers with a direct discount signed on the salary, served as a replacement for an annerseous withdrawal, a method created in 2019 that would threaten the sustainability of FGTS, in the evaluation of the Ministry of Labor. The proposal, however, faces resistance from banks.