On Tuesday, January 28, during strict security measures, Daniel Bombic, who is prosecuted for extremism and was placed in CPZ, escorted from the UK to Slovakia. The escort was carried out by Interpol Bratislava in cooperation with members of the Emergency Police Department of the Regional Directorate of the Police Force in Bratislava under strict security measures.
Three arrests were issued for Daniel Bombic. These are crimes a manifestation of sympathy for a movement aimed at suppressing fundamental rights and freedoms, expansion of extremist material, incitement, incitement to national, racial and ethnic hatred, dangerous electronic harassment and unauthorized management of personal data.
Bombic was supposed to offend several well -known personalities through social networks, especially in private news. He also published such a report Former superstarist Jakub Petraník on the social network.
“Petraník, you walking h ** well. You licked gebuľa liberal. 40-kilometer transistor with rubber k **** om. You infected with b ** to. Aids. I wish you. I will sign as always. Danny Kollár, “ He was supposed to write him in the past. But James did not respond to the report.
But after the report that Bombic was brought to Slovakia, he decided to speak. “Today, neo -Nazis, racist and homophob Daniel Bombic alias Danny Kollar arrived in Slovakia. It will not be a surprise if he was deprived of criminal prosecution over time. He is defended by the lawyers of our Prime Minister, and many minister or state secretary filmed with him. Stop legitimacy of fascism! “ He expressed his opinion on Instagram. Photo messages can be found in the gallery below the article.