Rui Oliveira suffered a road accident on the afternoon of Wednesday, January 29. The news was advanced by the website Dioguinho and confirmed by the CMTV host on the morning of Thursday (30).
At the beginning of the program ‘Morning CM’, Rui Oliveira thanked the affection he received from the public in recent hours and explained that it was all a “fright”.
“I have to thank the messages a lot because yesterday I had an accident”started by saying.
Manuel Luís Goucha’s husband also assured that it was not “nothing serious”: “It was just plate with plate and so I’m here but I thank you for the messages I was receiving from followers and friends (…). They have to be very attentive because the roads are very flooded, there is a lot of wind and people have to pay a lot of attention on the road ”warned, finally.