It is most often added to Mexican cuisine dishesfits perfectly with kilos with meat czy burrito. The red beans are filling and has a lot of protein, thanks to which it works great in dishes when you do not feel like meat. Why is it worth eating red beans? We suggest.
Red beans are a great source of potassium, magnesium and calciumwhich support the proper functioning of the heart and nervous system. In addition, it contains large amounts of fiber, which helps in maintaining a healthy cholesterol levels, regulates blood pressure, and supports work,T. Like any legumes, it also contains a lot of protein, so it should be found in a vegan or vegetarian diet.
To make life easier, we often reach for red canned beans. Although the canned product is more convenient to use, it may contain additional salt and preservatives. That is why it is worth rinsing the canned beans before consumption under running water. Dry beans, although it requires longer preparation, is a healthier option because it does not contain chemical additives.
Despite the numerous advantages, red beans are not suitable for everyone. People suffering from gout should avoid it because of the high content of purines. In addition, it can cause flatulence, so it is worth eating it in moderation and well cooked. Recipes for red bean dishes often contain marjoram, bay leaves or cumin. These spices help avoid flatulence.
Some believe that all types of beans taste the same, although connoisseurs have their opinion here. Red beans are distinguished by an intense color and slightly sweet taste, while ordinary beans (e.g. white or jaś) have a more neutral taste. The differences are also visible in the nutritional composition – red beans contain more antioxidants that help in the fight against free radicals.
In terms of culinary use, red beans are more creamy than the usual. That is why it is great for thick dishes such as chili con carne, salads and sandwich pastes. White beans, on the other hand, are more often used in soups and single -pot dishes.
Red beans are extremely versatile And you can prepare it in many ways. Below are some ideas for its use in the kitchen.
- kilos with meat – classic Mexican dish with minced meat, tomatoes and spices;
- salads – beans blends well with vegetables, olive oil and herbs;
- bean soup – nutritious and warming, perfect for cooler days;
- bean paste – a healthy alternative to pies and lubricants, it can be seasoned with garlic, lemon and olive oil;
- bean burgers – Vegetarian option for dinner, filling and full protein.
To make dry beans, soak it for at least 8 hours, and then cook for 60-90 minutes. You can add bay leaf and allspice to improve its taste and facilitate digestion.