On Thursday, the government approved a set of legislative amendments that are part of an agreement with the Medical Trade Union (LOZ). It approved it with comments. The Cabinet proposes to discuss legislation in a shortened legislative procedure. By adopting laws, medical unionists at the end of last year conditioned the withdrawal of mass statements.
The changes should be applied to the valorisation of the salaries of doctors, the enactment of personnel norms in hospitals or shortening the working hours of medical staff in hospitals. The obligations of health insurance companies or the Health Care Surveillance Office (ÚDZS) should also be adjusted.
Finance Minister Ladislav Kamenický (Smer-SD) before Thursday’s meeting announced that the Minister of Health will have to have to have the Minister of Health Kamil Šaško (Voice-SD) in connection with the measures save a lot of money. Interior Minister and Voice-SD chief Matúš Šutaj Eštok believesThe fact that the proposal will also be approved in the National Council (NR) of the Slovak Republic declared it before the Cabinet meeting.
In December 2024 on behalf of the government, Šaško signed a contract with LOZ to establish a social reconciliation in health care. The government has committed itself to meeting several requirements of medical trade unionists. By concluding the contract, the collapse of hospitals, which threatened more than 3300 doctors, was prevented. Doctors returned to hospitals conditionally, saying that by the end of February 2025 the government will adopt laws under the agreement. Otherwise, doctors will leave hospitals in March.