How to deal with excessive waste to avoid a fine? That’s right. Incorrect postponement of waste is punished.
How to deal with waste?
After all, we pay for the transport, so why because of one big box, bag or bag is such a fuss! We can think that, but the truth is that even the collection of waste has its rules. Do you need to export more waste? Then you have to buy a second garbage bin. If you postpone the waste outside the reserved place, next to or on the garbage, it may be an offense.
About how to behave correctly, if you have large paper boxes, have prepared a contribution to the YouTube channel City District Prague 9.
Source: YouTube
For deferred waste you will pay extra fine!
The collection of waste is differently regulated in each municipality, but nationwide is the Act No. 541/2020 Coll. about waste. According to this, there is a risk of natural persons who postpone waste outside the garbage bin, even a fine of up to CZK 50,000. The reason is obvious. We want to have the streets clean.
What to do? Divide the box or other waste into smaller pieces and throw them into containers designed to collect paper, plastic or glass, depending on the type of waste. These containers are significantly closer in towns and municipalities than collection yards. Unfortunately, it is not possible to throw away everything and it is necessary to follow the division into certain materials.
Where to aim with excessive or significantly voluminous waste? When it comes to a one -time need to get rid of more waste, head to the collection yard. Here are all materials sorted and divided by material. Collecting yards are often available for free, but have different working hours, and it is definitely advisable to inquire about their operation.
Different rules of collection, equally strict fines
Are you surprised that the laws are so strict in our country when the bags are lying everywhere abroad? The rules are different everywhere, but not as much as you would expect.
In photographs and reports from abroad, you may notice that in the cities there, for example, lying on the streets of colored bags waiting for a collection. In some countries, it is paid for a bag. The owner of the property will buy the number of bags it needs, and since garbagers then only tie these specific bags.
Those who have little waste pay less than those who have large families and bring a basket or two to the garbage everyday. In this way, Switzerland approached the problem of paying for the collection. In other countries, it is common to pick up bags, not to spill the contents of the garbage. Therefore, in some countries there was a need to use bags that rodents cannot penetrate.
However, in the European and other developed countries of the world, it is strictly forbidden to postpone waste outside the reserved places. Everywhere it is an offense that leads to possible sanctions. Financial fines are in the order of thousands of euros.