Cold weather can in many people cause symptoms of rhinitis that includes a clogged nose. . However, experts warn that You may be blowing the mucus completely wrongYou can at risk of unpleasant ear infections or even severe nose bleeding. What is The right method of stinking clogged nose?
According to Dr. Zachary Rubin, a child’s allergicist from the US state of Chicago, it can smell mucus from both nostrils at once to create excessive pressure on sensitive nasal passages and potentially damage them.
This pressure can print viruses and bacteria until the posterior of the nasal cavity. “If you blow too hard, you can into the Eustachian tube (the area connecting the middle ear cavity with the nasopharynx) Print mucus, bacteria and viruses and potentially increase the risk of ear infection“Rubin said in the video on his instagram profile, where almost 500,000 users follow it.
Strong stinking can also cause a rapid pressure change behind the eardrum what May cause pain in ears and in rare cases bursting of the tympanic. According to Carl Philpott, Professor of Rinology at the English University of East Anglia, May too strong stinking in very rare cases cause even a fracture of small cubes in the inner ear.
Too much pressure May also cause nose bleeding. The reason is that there is a large voltage in the surrounding coils, causing them to burst. However, experts point out that These types of bleeding usually stop themselves and do not require medical attention.
Strong stinking can be dangerous.
What should you do instead?
Dr. Rubin recommends that you chose fine blowing and cleaning after one nostril to reduce the pressure in the cavities. “Best to smash yourself as you Cover one nostril and slowly blow into the handkerchief. Do not do it too hard, it should be comfortable. Do the same with the other hole and then you Wash your hands with soap and water to make sure you don’t spread the bacteria to other people“he noted.