The Euro of Guadiana will be the scene of the transionic Fair of Contemporary Art, between February 6 and 9. This event brings together Portuguese and Spanish artists, promoting a cultural exchange between the two countries. In addition to the fair, two parallel exhibitions will be held in Vila Real de Santo António and Ayamonte, with works by consecrated artists such as Pablo Picasso, José Caballero, Agatha Ruiz de La Prada and Ceesepe, as well as recognized Spanish photographers of the turn of the century.
The initiative, organized by, will feature not only exhibitions, but also concerts, conferences, poetry recitals, book presentations and cultural visits, becoming a meeting point for contemporary art and culture lovers.
During the four days of the event, fourteen contemporary artists will display their works at Casa do Sal, in Castro Marim. On the Portuguese side will be present João Pedro Viegas, Julia Labrador, Lindsey Greshan, Philip de Palma, Filipe Farinha, Pedro Noel da Luz and Pedro Alves da Veiga. Representing Spain, Juan Galán, Noelia Melara, Pedro Rodríguez, Juana Martín, Manuel González Flores, Pilar Lozano Iglesias and Ángel García Roladan participate. The works presented include painting, photography and video art, demonstrating the diversity and artistic innovation of the fair.
Among the parallel exhibitions, we highlight “walk for love and death”, evident in the historical archive of Vila Real de Santo António. This show is the result of the collaboration between the multidisciplinary artist Pablo Sycet, president of the Olonta Foundation, and the writer Juan Cobos Wilkins. The exhibition brings together works by illustrious names such as Pablo Picasso, José Caballero, Elmyr D’Hory, Lita Mora, Alejandro Gorafe, Quico Rivas, Carlos Alcolea, Ciro Marra, Ceesepe, Miluca Sanz, Rafael Aggedano, Agatha Ruiz de La Prada and José Guadalupe posed.
Already at Casa Grande, in Ayamonte, will be evident the exhibition “faces and masks”, a visual route on the transformation of identity in Spanish society from the 70’s until today. Through photographers’ lenses such as César Lucas and Nacho Canut, the show presents striking images that reflect customs evolution and individual expression in a change sociopolitical context.
The exhibition documents key moments of the recent history of Spain, from the first manifestation for LGBTQia+ rights in 1977 to the consecration of Madrid as the world capital of gay pride in 2017, celebrating diversity and the struggle for freedom.
The Contemporary Art Transfrontic Fair is thus affirmed as a reference event in the promotion of art and culture in the Guadiana region, reinforcing the ties between Portugal and Spain through creativity and artistic expression.
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