The profile of the former president () in the X (former) was again hacked on Thursday (30), seven days after the first invasion occurred. The councilman (PL-RJ) confirmed the violation of the account in the same network.
New texts on cryptocurrencies were published in the same format and using the same images of the past invasion with the president of the United States ,. The posts have already been removed from the former president’s page.
Carlos stated that the security methods in his father’s account were perfected, said he was in contact with X, to normalize access and mocked the situation.
“All security methods have been perfected and again the president’s account was hacked. In contact with X to restore normality. Apparently, the only inviolable things in the world are the boxes of cornmeal. “said the councilman.
The posts, repeated, said that cryptocurrency would represent pride, freedom and strength of the Brazilian people. Some of the former president’s followers report that they have been blocked from the X profile for noticing and denouncing the invasion of the network.
Prior to false publications, there were publications reverberating a report on the Slovenian deputy’s initiative to indicate Elon Musk for Peace, the rise of interest already under the leadership and allied content shares.