A young father named Callum Green died only a few weeks after noticed a special pain in his hand. He did not know that it was a symptom of a serious heart problem that eventually took his life. , his family also affected this tragic report from the financial side, which forced them to set up a collection to pay expenses.
Callum who was known to friends and family as a CJ, complained of unpleasant shoulder pain for a few weeks, but he didn’t think it could be something serious. On January 6, 2025, however, he got a heart attack. “No one even had the idea that he wasn’t well. We only knew about pain in my hand but No one has seen a heart attack“said Callum’s friend Will.
As they are The young daddy did not turn to the doctor, his condition worsened. Finally, he died tragically on January 14 and left his son Alfie. “It was a complete shock to us. I don’t understand, Why did someone have to go through that at such a young age. It’s just terrible, “Will added.
Experts warn that shoulder pain, especially on the left side, may occur during a heart attack because the nerves in the heart and shoulders are connected. When the heart does not receive enough blood, discomfort can be transferred from the chest, and this condition is called the passed pain. “Some heart attacks will hit suddenly. Many people however They have experienced warning symptoms for several hours, days or weeks in advance. “They said.
On behalf of Callum’s family of its acquaintances To cover the cost of his funeral. All the remaining funds will go to support his son Alfie who suffers from autism.