The Minister of Management and Innovation, Esther Dwecksaid on Friday (31) that the Post Office, although registering deficit, are in positive trajectory. “The company is ongoing to expand operations, no longer focusing only on the universal service of letters,” said journalists after a meeting at the Planalto Palace with President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Postal President Fabiano Santos.
According to the Central Bank, the post office recorded the largest deficit among federal state -owned companies. Of the total negative balance of R $ 8.07 billion among the 20 state -owned companies, R $ 3.2 billion were from the post office. Dweck said Lula has been following the state -owned companies closely.
The results presented by the Central Bank do not refer to the final balance sheets of the companies, which should be published in the coming months. “Today’s result is a comparison between expenses and revenues. In March and April we will have the numbers, ”said Dweck, who pointed out that deficits are not necessarily negative results.
“It’s not a break. Of the 11 companies that have a deficit, nine have profits. The deficit can be caused by increasing investments, ”said the minister, who said the post office are among state -owned companies with ongoing investment plans to expand market performance and become profitable.