The measure, which requires the “immediate action” of the Department of Justice to “Suppress vandalism and intimidation pro-Hamas, and investigate and punish anti-Jewish racism in leftist and anti-American faculties and universities” “ aims at the repression of pro-folestinian activism, characterized by Trump as a “Pro-jihadist” movement.
US President Donald Trump has assured that he will cancel the visas of “Hamas Supporters” students after signed an executive order against anti-Semitism in the university campuses of the United States, which is expected to affect institutions such as Columbia and Harvard.
“To all resident foreigners who joined the pro-‘jihadist protests, ‘we warn: In 2025, we will find you and deport you. I will also quickly cancel the visas of all Hamas supporters in the university campuses. , which were infested with radicalism as never before, “says the executive order, who cites the US President.
The measure, which requires the “immediate action” of the Department of Justice to “Suppress vandalism and intimidation pro-Hamas, and investigate and punish anti-Jewish racism in leftist and anti-American faculties and universities” “ aims at the repression of pro-folestinian activism, characterized by Trump as a “Pro-jihadist” movementas well as the deportation of foreign students who participated in pro-Palestinian university protests last year.
Are also included in the Order, signed by Trump on Wednesday, instructions to the secretaries of state, education and internal security so that demand US universities to monitor and inform the activities of foreign students and teachers that can be considered anti -Semitic.
Trump said he decided to sign this executive order on anti -Semitism because “Jewish students in particular faced anti -Semitic harassment in schools and university campuses.
O a newspaper directed by Harvard students, said that although the order does not directly cancel the visas, suggests that the White House “It wants universities to question the eligibility for the visas of students and international employees who are involved in pro-Palestinian activism.”
Protests Pro-Palestina Ecloded last year
The executive order pays particular attention to protests that broke out in April 2024 In the university campuses of the United States, especially at Columbia and Harvard universities, against Washington’s Gaza War and the support of Washington.
Protests in universities lasted about three months and resulted in the detention of about 3,100 people.
Harvard Crimson pointed out that Columbia University in New York will be “A privileged target” For the measure signed by the executive leader, since many of the arrests in pro-Palestinian protests occurred in this institution, but acknowledged that Harvard may also be investigated due to several incidents.
President of Israel reacts to Trump’s measures
The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahuthanked the president of the United States for signing the executive order.
“In the name of Israel and the Jewish people, I thank President Donald Trump for his executive order to combat anti-Semitism and support for terrorism in US university campuses, according to a statement issued by his office.
“Thanks [Trump] For defending the truth and justice, “said the Israeli leader’s note.