Horoscope Urania 1-7 February 2025. Also, there is a period when we want to be ourselves, authentic, and we no longer compromise. Because Venus is also the planet of money, there may be a tendency to throw us into unnecessary expenses or risky financial speculation, without taking into account the impact of these expenses on our long-term budget.
Horoscope Urania 1-7 February 2025. Aries
Aries will dedicate themselves to a cause to make a profit, especially since, on February 4, the planet Venus will enter the sign of Aries, which will leave on June 6. It will exercise the role of protector of the natives, who will have a pleasant, happy, lucky or advantageous life hypostases for their major life direction.
On February 5, Jupiter will return to direct walking, which will increase, until June 10, when he will permanently leave the zodiac sign, the ability to influence communication, progress through learning and knowledge.
Read also Tamara Horoscope Globe February 2025: The signs that will cry for happiness, the luckiest signs of the month
Horoscope Urania 1-7 February 2025. Taurus
At the beginning of the week, a friendship relationship can resume, a reconciliation of the parties can occur; meeting that renews a beautiful interrupted relationship at a given time; clarification meant to delete doubts or older dissatisfaction.
From February 4, new challenges will be outlined: the planet Venus will enter the sign of Aries, which will leave permanently on June 6. One or more friendship relationships will (re) configure this week.
On February 5, Jupiter will return to direct walking, which will increase, until June 10, when he will permanently leave the twin sign, the ability to influence the events related to how they will earn money through personal effort, hence and the need to “catch” the favorable moment for a discussion for a better use of their professional training.
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Horoscope Urania 1-7 February 2025. Gemini
On February 4, the planet Venus will enter the sign of Aries, which will permanently leave on June 6, while solving delicate or damaged relationships with one or more friends.
On February 5, Jupiter will return to direct walking, which will increase, until June 10, when he will permanently leave the zodiac sign, the ability to influence the events related to their person. Four months favorable to progress or interior rebalancing will follow.
The rest of the signs, on www.libertatea.ro