The President (PT) met this Thursday (30) with coordinators of the (Landless Rural Workers Movement) at the Planalto Palace in Brasilia, and heard charges for agrarian reform.
“We came to tell the president that we are dissatisfied with the agrarian reform program. What has been done to this day is far short of our expectation, but it is possible to adjust, it is possible for the president to correct the route and present a Demand set for our period, “said João Paulo Rodrigues.
He also classified as “ridiculous” the number of 1,500 families settled per year. “We are dissatisfied with form and content, and what has been done so far,” he said.
The statement was given after the meeting with the president in the Planalto Palace. Also attending the Minister of Agrarian Development, Paulo Teixeira (PT), and his executive secretary, Fernanda Machiavelli.
According to Rodrigues, the minister presented a commitment of 20,000 families based this year, but the number is still seen as low for the movement, which claims 65 thousand.
Paulo Teixeira said to Sheet that the government’s commitment is more than 30,000 families based this year and recognized the low numbers in previous years. He attributed this to the low budget.
“In fact, the agrarian reform program in 2023 had no resources in the budget. In 2023, it had a resource of $ 130 million, we managed to grow more. This feeling [de que é pouco] It concerns 2023 and 2024, and were really small. But in 2025, the delivery will be substantial and will start in February, “he said.
According to him, the president pledged to visit a settlement in February, probably in Minas Gerais. In addition, it will launch the Rural Develops Program.
Since he was elected, Lula has not yet been in one of the settlements of.
The movement, at the end of last year, charged a visit and reinforced criticism of the lack of advancement in and promises of invasions across the country in 2025, but avoided asking for the departure of Minister Paulo Teixeira.
In his annual balance, members of the National Directorate of the Movement, which has changed criticism with Lula management, said they support the government unconditionally. At the same time, they charged deliveries of new settlements and changes in the political and communication agenda.
MST coordinator Ceres Hadich said they also charged more budget for Conab (National Supply Company) and made suggestions to the government of ways to increase food production, one of the chief executive’s main concern this year.
Among the proposals is to expand the limit of CAF (Family Farming Register), and budget for family farming programs. “There is a collective concern because it has no creativity of land reform,” said Rodrigues.
Earlier, at a news conference to journalists at Planalto, Lula said he is no longer old to commit “bravado”, referring to discussions to contain the discharge of food.
He said he will meet with entrepreneurs and producers and ruled out heterodox measures – to mention the idea of tax exports that was defended by PT wing as a way to contain the inflation of these products.
Lula quoted the high of some specific foods, including Picanha, one of the brands of his election campaign, when he promised that every Brazilian could eat picanha and take a “beer” over the weekend.
“In 2023, the picanha fell 30%. She went up again, why is it just export? Is the matrix?” Said Lula, saying he will seek a solution in conversation with producers.
The president also cited the high of soy oil.
Regarding the increase in the price of diesel, this is a theme that usually brings complaints from truckers. The president said he will dialogue with the category if this happens.
Lula gave an interview to journalists at the Planalto Palace. The conversation takes place amid the change in Secom (Secretariat of Social Communication), with the arrival of publicist Sidônio Palmeira, who has warned allies who intend to give the president more visibility.
The federal government put as a priority at the beginning of the year the reduction in food prices, with President Lula directly charging his ministers during the first overall meeting of the year.
The first lines and actions in an attempt to circumvent the discharge in food, however, were marked by noise after the Chief Minister of the Civil House, Rui Costa (PT), to say that the government would make “interventions” in the price of food, using an expression that suggests the adoption of heterodox measures. He retreated later.
The measure by the (National Consumer Price Index 15) slowed at 0.11% in January, after scoring in December, they point to data from the (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics).