Secretary-General of Internal Affairs Damned. Concerned will be the assault on the mai

by Andrea
Secretary-General of Internal Affairs Damned. Concerned will be the assault on the mai

António Cotrim / Lusa

Secretary-General of Internal Affairs Damned. Concerned will be the assault on the mai

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Margarida Blasco

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Margarida Blasco, dismissed, this Friday, the secretary general of internal administration Marcelo Mendonça de Carvalho. At issue will be the audit (still in progress) to the assault on May in late August.

The minister did not even wait for the end of the service committee next October by Marcelo Mendonça de Carvalho and decided to anticipate her replacement. The performance of your service is the target of a disciplinary inquiry instituted by Igai.

Margarida Blasco exonerou the Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of Internal Affairs, Mendonça de Carvalhoby “need to print a new guidance on services management” and to “promote greater speed and readiness of the response”.

However, according to, it was the MAI robbery at the end of August last year, which stamped this situation. The audit resulted in a Disciplinary inquiry and Blasco eventually fired the secretary general.

Marcelo Mendonça de Carvalho’s dismissal order of the duties of secretary general of the General Secretariat of Internal Affairs, which ended the five-year service committee in October, was published in Diário da República this Friday.

“During this service committee, however, the need for print a new guidance on the management of servicesin order to promote greater speed and promptness of the answer, aligned with the objectives of promoting an institutional relationship appropriate to the responsibilities of this government and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which will be redefined of the role and legal-institutional framework of the General Secretariat of Internal administration, with a view to its restructuring, to occur for 2025, ”says Margarida Blasco in the order.

For the position of Mendonça de Carvalho, the minister appointed, under replacement, Ricardo Carrilhohaving also published today in Diário da República the order of the appointment.

At the end of August, A, having been taken 10 laptops, worth 600 euros each, including the computers of the now dismissal Mendonça de Carvalho.

Following this assault, the minister ordered the General Inspection of Internal Affairs (IGAI) the establishment of an audit, whose conclusions are not yet known.

The News Diary states that Early departure from Mendonça Carvalho he was consequence of the audit And it advances that the performance of its service is the subject of a disciplinary process opened by Igai.

Questioned if Mendonça Carvalho’s dismissal resulted from the audit, the official source of the Mai told Lusa that.

Lusa questioned Igai about the audit, but so far has not obtained any answer.

On 13 January an audit of the Court of Auditors (TDC) reported that the Infrastructure and Equipment Programming Law of Security Forces and Services (LPIEFSS), the responsibility of the General Secretariat of Internal Affairs, presents a budget execution rate and reduced financial, which decreased from 2020 to 2023.

“There was a reduced LPIEFSS budgetary and financial execution rate, notably 2021 (about 41%), a situation that has been progressively worsened in the following years” by lowering to 15%by 2022 and fixed by 14%by 2023, concluded the TDC in the audit.

This law, approved by the Government in 2017 for five -year up to 2021, covers measures for infrastructure, vehicles, armament, specialized functions equipment (EFE), Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Operational Activity Support Equipment (EAAO) and Systems Information and Communication Technology (STIC) of PSP and GNR, and then approved a new decree-law that established the program for the period 2022-2026, and includes seven measures in the global value of 607 million euros (more 33 , 6% than in the period 2017-2021).

Who is Ricardo Carrilho?

Ricardo Carrilhowho starts functions on Saturday, has been performing functions as Deputy Secretary-General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 2014.

In the order, Margarida Blasco states that Ricardo Carrilho “highlights the proper and demonstrative profile of necessary aptitude for the performance of the position in which it is invested and to achieve the intended objectives for the same General Secretariat of Internal Affairs ”.

“With a extensive career and deep knowledge of the subjects With relevance to the internal administration, over the past decade has been responsible for international relations and community fund management at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ”says a note to the Mai about the profile of Ricardo Carrilho.

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